Centre of Excellence in Food Systems and Climate Adaptation

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Climate change and adaptation, and capacity development and innovation

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Who we are

The Centre of Excellence that focuses and promotes climate adaptation and integrated food and nutrition system, we build and unlock natural and socio-economic capitals through knowledge and technology transfer, research innovation, and disseminating information.


A leading Centre of Excellence in research, academia, and policy; and capacity development in food system, climate change adaptation, innovation, and technology transfer for sustainable food system.

Mission Statement

To contribute to ending drought emergencies, economic development, poverty alleviation, and sustainable productive sector through knowledge and capacity development, CEFS-CA actions will appropriately inform decision-making.

Strategic Focus Areas

These four major areas of focusing will be interlinked to ensure that the big, picture on food systems w we miegatew it at ecsion making evels to ensure sustainabie or tood and nutrition system at grassroots level.


The CEFS will collaborate with Africa Research & Innovation Institutions, including African Universities, global research bodies, and other international research partners on food system, policy, and capacity development, and climate change adaptation.



The Center will develop both short and structured curriculum-based academic training courses and programs in the food systems and create knowledge platform. The Center will make available in all curriculums related to food system.


Capacity Development & Innovation

The Center provides services on designing policies and policy frameworks, operational strategies, and plans on productive sectors in Somalia and in the Africa to enable relevant authorities, Ministries, Industries, and Academic research and innovation institutions to focus on sustainable food systems, climate change and socio-economic development.


Thematic Networking & Partnership

The Centre believes the importance of partnership. Sustainable food systems system can only be achieved through effective collaboration, enhanced coordination, and creating synergies of working together.


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